Methamphetamine, or more simply, meth, is known to be one of the most addictive drugs available to people. The abuse of this drug can cause its users to isolate themselves socially, become depressed, psychotic, experience convulsions, and die. Finding a way to overcome meth addiction is certainly not an easy thing to do, and it shouldn’t be attempted alone, but rather with medical attention and an ongoing treatment plan.
Step One: The user must recognize a problem exists. It’s often difficult, especially when inside an addiction, to have any perspective on the illness; the user must realize the problem before recovery can begin. To gain some perspective, the user should talk to people about how his or her meth habit has affected their lives in an attempt to appreciate how the drug has affected his or her personality and relationships.
Step Two: The user must seek out professional help, to find a doctor or therapist to discuss the problem and to formulate a treatment plan. The plan usually means participating in a drug rehabilitation program.
Step Three, then, is to enter a treatment program for meth addiction. One of the more effective treatment models is something called cognitive-behavior therapy. This method allows addicts to recognize the triggers that cause them to use drugs in the first place, and to learn how to develop coping mechanisms that are non-destructive and positive. This type of therapy emphasizes goal-setting and confidence-building.
Step Four: The user in recovery must sever ties with other drug addicts. To be successful, it’s necessary to be surrounded with people who are drug-free and who support a commitment to quit using meth. It may also be a good idea to meet with recovering addicts, people who understand the journey that’s being undertaken, in settings such as Narcotics Anonymous.
Step Five: The user should prepare for withdrawals. The main effects of stopping meth are psychological and can last for as long as six months. The most common symptoms include depression, anxiety, rage, and intense cravings for food. These feelings will fade eventually, and that should be kept at the fore-front of the user’s mind, with the knowledge that freedom from meth addiction for the rest of one’s life is worth a very difficult half year.
Step six: The user should strive to stay in recovery, but make a commitment to keep trying, even if there is a relapse. Meth is so addictive psychologically that relapses are common. Users, then, should attempt to recognize the reason for the relapse and treat that as a learning experience.
While addiction doesn’t have a cure, it is possible to stop the abuse; users in recovery should be constantly aware that there is a risk of falling into old patterns of behavior that will trigger the addiction again. With determination, though, the user should know it’s possible to overcome meth addiction.