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Elmhurst Hospital Center Opiate Dependence Treatment Services is located in Elmhurst, New York, it provides Outpatient care with a primary focus on Substance Abuse. Services provided include Substance Abuse Treatment and Methadone Maintenance.
7901 Broadway,Annex O 2nd Floor Elmhurst Hospital, Elmhurst NY 11373 | |
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Other Facilities Nearby:
- Elmhurst Hospital Center Alcoholism Outpatient Clinic - 7901 Broadway, Comm Medical Ctr H Bldg Room H3-135, Elmhurst NY 11373
- Child Center of NY Asian Outreach Clinic Outpt Chemical Dependency Unit - 8708 Justice Avenue, Suite C-7, Elmhurst NY 11373
- City Hospital Center at Elmhurst (CHC) Elmhurst Community Residence - 8130 Baxter Avenue, Elmhurst NY 11373
- QSA Inc/CD Outpatient Program DBA The PAC Program of Queens - 4015 Warren Street, Elmhurst NY 11373
- New York Couseling for Change LCS PLLC - 3720 74th Street, 3rd Floor, Jackson Heights NY 11372