In its first state, alcohol was created through fermentation, a process that goes back to prehistoric times. Beverages with a higher content of alcohol started being made with the process of distillation, a technique discovered in the 12th century.
Depending upon the kind of alcoholic drink, people will have an easier time of getting drunk. The higher the content level in a drink, the less they have to consume in order to get drunk. Most hard liquors have around 45 percent of alcohol whereas beer and wine have less, each possessing about a 5 percent and 15 percent level of alcohol respectively.
As alcohol is a major part of culture everywhere because it is used often as a means to celebrate, it has become a problem everywhere. No where are the problems of alcohol abuse more prevalent than among teenagers. It can be difficult to tell when a teen is abusing alcohol. They are notorious for being moody and private. In addition, they enjoy staying up late at nights and getting up late in the mornings. Seeing signs of abuse in them can be difficult because of the natural temperament most teenagers seem to possess.
Family, friends, peers, and society all have an affect on how a teenager’s drinking attitudes are shaped. But how to tell if they are alcohol abusers that might require an alcoholism intervention? Some signs come in the form of intense social isolation, poor attendance at school, hostility over questions or comment about alcohol, bad grades in school, a uncared for appearance, or the normal withdrawal signs associated with alcoholism, such as tremors. If there is a family history of alcohol abuse, then that should be another factor to take under consideration when assessing the possible condition of your child.
Though it may be difficult, an alcohol abuse intervention can save a teenager from a lifetime of unhappiness due to problems with drinking. Even more difficult to discuss for teenagers and parents alike is treatment for drug addiction. The signs of alcohol and drug abuse almost mirror each other exactly. Drug use has expanded beyond the usual suspects of meth, coke, heroin, and marijuana to include prescription drug use. If there have been signs of missing pharmaceuticals from medicine cabinets or emptied pills bottles in the trash, then these are other signs to look for.